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Serbian Alphabet
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Serbian sounds

The table below lists an inventory of Serbian sounds. I provide both the Latin and Cyrillic counterparts for each character.

There are 30 letters (and, therefore, sounds) in the Serbian alphabet: 5 vowels and 25 consonants.
  • Note that r can be both a consonant and a vowel. For example, in the first syllable of the word, Srbin ‘Serb’, ‘r’ acts as a vowel. You can hear a very short and weak ‘a’ (like a schwa in the English word ‘sister’) followed by trilled [r].
  • Stressed vowels tend to be pronounced more clearly and distinctly than their unstressed counterparts. Stressed vowels are designated with ‘:’
  • In general, in two-syllable words, the main stress or accent is on the first syllable. In longer words, the stress may fall on any syllable except the last.
  • Consonants t, d, s, z, l are dental, which means that the tip of the tongue touches the back of the upper teeth.
  • Consonants p, t are unaspirated at the beginning of a syllable. So, in this position, p and t sound like the soft English b and d respectively.
  • The following consonants sounds have no English equivalents: ћ, љ, њ. They are palatal sounds. The sound ć/ћ is a blend of the English ‘ty’, (as in the British pronunciation of ‘dew’) and ‘ch’ (as in ‘church’). The sound lj/љ is a mixture of ‘l’ and ‘y’, as in the British pronunciation of ‘million’. Finally the sound nj/њ is a mixture of ‘n’ and ‘y’, as in the English pronunciation of ‘minion’.
  • To hear either a Serbian or English pronunciation, just click over the words
Table 1: Serbian and English pronunciation
Aa /Аа Bb / Бб Cc / Цц Čč / Чч Ćć / Ћћ
[a:] ‘father’ [b] big [ts] cats’  [ch] chocolate’  No English 
equivalent; [ty] ‘tune’ in B. English
Ana’   Beograd ’  cipela’  čokolada ‘  Zlatić
Dd / Дд Dž/ Џџ Đđ / Ђђ Ee / Ее Ff/ Фф
[d] dog [ ] ‘George’
[ ] ‘junk’
[dj] ‘juice’     [e] ‘bed’
[ei] ‘make’
f] father’
'danas’  ak’  đak’  ekser’  Filip’ 
 Gg/ Гг Hh / Хх  I i/ Ии Jj / Јј Kk/ Кк
[g] god [h] ‘hot’ [i:] ‘police’
[i] ‘fit’
[j] ‘you’
[j]   ‘boy
[k] king’
 gibanica’  hvala’  ima’  ja’    kralj’ 
Ll/ Лл Lj lj/ Љљ Mm/ Мм Nn / Нн Nj nj / Њњ
[l] loop’, cool [ly] million’ (as in British English)   [m] mother’ [n] ‘no’ [ny] onion’ (n followed by short ‘y’)
lopov’  ljubav’  mama’  'ne’  njen’ 
Oo/ Оо Pp / Пп Rr/ Рр Ss / Сс  Š š/ Шш
[o:] bowl’
[o] ‘pot’
[p] spot’  [r] berry’ [s] ‘sun’ [ ] shop’
 ono     pismo’  Srbin’, 'trava'  sunce’   ‘ništa’  
Tt / Тт  Uu/ Уу Vv / Вв Zz / Зз Žž / Жж
[t] tone’  [u:] food’
[u]  ‘put’
[v] victory [z] ‘zero’ [] pleasure’, ‘Zhivago'
tata’  uvo'   veliki’  zec’  život’


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