Serbian alphabet
(PDF version)
Serbian uses primarily the Cyrillic
alphabet, however, the Latin script is also used. So, you
should try to learn both – starting with Latin. Unlike
English, where the spelling is complicated, Serbian spelling
is much easier, since orthography is largely phonemic, In
Serbian each letter corresponds to a distinctive sound.
For example, the letter ‘g' is always pronounced as [g] (as
in 'groom'), regardless where it appears in a word, unlike
English where ‘g’ in ‘groom’ and in ‘George’ are pronounced
differently. We have separate letters for each sound.
Latin script: shaded cells; Cyrillic script: white cells.
A |
B |
V |
G |
D |
Đ |
E |
Ž |
Z |
I |
Аа |
Бб |
Вв |
Гг |
Дд |
Ђђ |
Ее |
Жж |
Зз |
Ии |
J |
K |
L |
LJ |
M |
N |
NJ |
O |
P |
R |
Јј |
Кк |
Лл |
Љљ |
Мм |
Нн |
Њњ |
Оо |
Пп |
Рр |
S |
T |
Ć |
U |
F |
H |
C |
Č |
DŽ |
Š |
Сс |
Тт |
Ћћ |
Уу |
Фф |
Хх |
Цц |
Чч |
Џџ |
Шш |