Welcome to Larisa Zlatics
Study Serbian Site!
If you want to learn speak Serbian, whether fluently, or
just a few phrases to impress a Serbian friend or relative,
or if you want to dig deeper into the Serbian language
in order to be able to speak it fluently you have come to
the right place. I have developed this course based on
my decade-long teaching experience. .
I believe that the best method for learning any foreign
language is to learn how to ask questions in that
language. Therefore, on this site you will find basic
survival phrases and
questions in Serbian that would allow you to form
questions when thrown into a real, Serbian-language-only
situation. In addition, each lesson consists of
questions and phrases that are contextually
organized, so that when you study a specific grammar
point, you will learn how to put sentences together as
questions and expressions.
Within Lessons for Course I
there are 20 lessons in total. Each lesson gives you
step-by-step instructions on how to build sentences. The
Serbian Grammar pages are independent of the Lessons, so
that a student or scholar interested in descriptions of
Serbian grammar can go straight there. For those who want to
be able to speak Serbian, I recommend to take the entire
20-step lesson plan. When you have mastered these lessons,
you will be able to communicate effectively
throughout the South Balkan region
Just like mounting climbing, the beginning might be
exhausting but after you reach the pinnacle, youll feel like
you have conquered the world.
So, why wait? Start now!
Larisa Zlatic,